About TEA

The Employers’ Association is a not-for-profit association incorporated in 1939 to provide practical Human Resource Solutions to the local business community – many having business operations throughout the world. Viewing Human Resources as more of a risk management than a compliance profession, we help hundreds of companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability while seeking operational excellence through practical human resources and management advice, training, benchmark information, networking, and organization development services.

Our Mission

The Employers’ Association provides employers with practical Human Resource Solutions promoting operational excellence and organizational sustainability.

Why Members Join

Need advice about an issue or situation you’ve not dealt with recently?  Call our HR Helpline for practical help that will be held in the strictest of confidence.
Discovered an area that could be improved with specific HR-related leadership or communications training? We offer a variety of public, onsite, and virtual programs that can be enhanced to fit your specific needs.
Want benchmark metrics to validate your external competitiveness?  Our regional and national surveys provide competitive information that can be used to validate your offerings or develop systems that will attract and retain talent.

Wonder how engaged your employees are at work?  Call us about administering our nationally validated Employee Engagement Survey.

Seeking to better manage talent in your workplace?  We write and review employee handbooks, have developed more than 500 Compensation Administration Programs across the nation, administer a variety of pre-employment testing  and conduct background checks (and help with outplacement if needed).

Calculate your Dues and Join Today!