Welcome to TEA-spectives, The Employers’ Association Blog!  We provide this resource to the business community as a place to stay current on important topics related to Human Resources and the “people parts” of your organizations.  There is no shortage of information and viewpoints about maintaining a business and remaining in compliance BUT sometimes the sheer volume of information available can be daunting.  These postings will help consolidate the most important information and trends and put them in context for our region.  Feel free to give us a call at 616-698-1167 (or email us at [email protected]) if you would like to talk in more detail about any of the topics that are covered within these Blog articles.

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Customer Service Surveys

Posted on 7/26/2024
25% of employees have left a company because of a poor culture, 70% of employees indicate they would take a pay cut to work for a company with a great culture...

How To Spark A Culture Revolution

Posted on 7/19/2024
25% of employees have left a company because of a poor culture, 70% of employees indicate they would take a pay cut to work for a company with a great culture...

Make Every Day Great

Posted on 6/27/2024
Everyone has good and bad days (though it may sometimes seem there are more bad days than good).

Life Happens – How You React Makes a Difference

Posted on 6/13/2024
A Roman Stoic Philosopher (Epictetus – who lived around 100 A.D.), is credited with a thought used by psychiatrists, psychologists, in training programs, and throughout the Corporate world –

What Does "Being a Manager" Really Mean?

Posted on 6/6/2024
Organizations often move the “best technician” into supervision or take their most efficient employee and expect them to “clone themselves” – usually without any training or support.