Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Assessment

Do employees feel like they are woven in and part of your organization’s fabric or like loose hanging threads waiting to be cut?  Is your organization a welcoming environment where differences are valued and all can excel without inappropriate barriers to success?  Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) has transformed from a “nice to have” focus to a business imperative.  Organizations that are beginning to consider DEI as a strategy, and those that have developed comprehensive plans, need to have a clear understanding of their current state in order to evolve.

The Employers’ Association provides a unique assessment tool to measure employee’s experiences AND your business practices related to DEI.  A Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion strategy should be grounded in a solid assessment from employees and an audit of current practices in order to provide a clear direction for the future.  TEA’s assessment measures five key DEI factors to clearly define what is and what could be.

Critical Measures

Our survey provides measurable perceptions pertaining to:
  • Opportunities available – employment, professional growth, and advancement
  • Employee involvement – helping shape and sustaining an inclusive and productive environment
  • Atmosphere – treatment, experiences, and internal communications regarding DEI
  • Organizational presence – within the community
  • Structure and strategy – organizational policies/practices and expectations

Data is evaluated across multiple dimension of diversity and organizational structure identifying current capabilities and opportunities for improvement.  Survey recommendations provide specific suggestions for achieving desired goals.  The Employers’ Association will assist in implementation, as necessary, if there are no internal staff dedicated to the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion strategy.
For additional information please contact Brian Bacon, Director of Engagement, at 616.698.1167.