Member Companies & Demographics

Members of The Employers’ Association represent a cross section of local businesses in industry type, number of employees, and primary locations.  The diversity of TEA Members continues to expand which provides additional information and resources about evolving business needs and trends. 

Members by Industry Type Percentage 
 Manufacturing 45% 
 Sales/service 13% 
 Non-profit 11% 
 All Other  31%
 Members by Number of Full-time 
 Less than 50 employees 40% 
 50 - 150 employees 33% 
 More than 150 employees 27% 
 Members by Location (Michigan) Percentage 
 West Michigan 94% 
 Detroit Metro 2% 
 Northwest 1% 
 South Central 1% 
 Southwest 1% 
 Outside Michigan 2% 

We encourage Members to reach out to one another through Round Tables and other networking opportunities. Members can access a listing of our current Member Companies here.